Cinquefoil Potentilla anserina , L. Potentilla tormentilla,
Potentilla reptans
Rosaceae : Rose family
Other varieties: Tall cinquefoil (P. arguta), (P. reptans), and dwarf
cinquefoil (P. canadensis).
Common Names :
Crampweed, Fan-pai-ts'ao, Five fingered grass, Five-leaf grass
, Five-leaf, Five-fingers, Five-Finger Blossom, synkefoyle, Goosegrass, Goose
tansy , Moor grass, Rough-fruited Silverweed, Silver cinquefoil,
Potentilla , Biscuits, Flesh and Blood, Shepherd's Knot, Sunkfield
Cinquefoil was used as a laxative by Paiutes. Cook the
whole plant, which looks silvery and silky.
In ancient China, this herb was used in magic, for casting spells and as a
love-divining herb.
Cinquefoil gets its name from an Old French word meaning
The Latin name Potentilla refers to its medicinal potency.
Medieval knights vied to emblazon cinquefoil's five-fingered leaf, symbol of
the five senses of man, on their shields, because the right to it as
heraldic logos was given only to those who achieved self-mastery.
Witches were said to be afraid of it*, though it was used in love
potions and divinations.
The root was used for red dye.
Fishermen added it to
their nets to bring in heavier catches.
Cinquefoil's medicinal value was recognized by a Greek naturalist and student
of Aristotle's, Theophrastus, who was the first to describe it.
(calcium, iron, sulfate, tannins, resins , starches, glycine,
tormentol, choline, amino acids, magnesium, potassium, silica,
vitamin C, bioflavonoids
Antispasmodic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, diarrhea,
diuretic , pain of menstruation, abdominal cramps dysentery , tonic , red pigment , also makes a red dye.
problems, jaundice, malaria, cystitis, palsy, shingles, itch, sciatica,
gout, rheumatism, arthritis, quinsey, epilepsy, toothache, bleeding gums,
mouthwash, fever, and throat sores, hoarseness, cough, ague, colds, flu, canker
When added to bath water, it will stop bleeding from piles, boils, ulcers, sores, and wounds. An all-purpose magickal
, incense. An excellent detoxifying plant, it helps addicts
wean themselves from alkaloids such as nicotine and