Marijuana: Cannabis sativa

Names:            Marijuana/Names from US street slang.

  1. Airplane,Astro turf, Aunt Mary
  2. Black Bart,Boom, Bud
  3. Charge, Chiba chiba, Chunky
  4. Dagga, Dinkie dow
  5. Endo
  6. Ganja
  7. Haircut, Hay
  8. Mary Jane, Matchbox, Maui wauie
  9. Sezz
  10. Yellow submarine
  11. Zambi

Source: U.S. Drug Enforcement

Spanish names for Maryjane......

Entre sus nombres más comunes en español se encuentran "mota, "mafu", "juana", "juanita" y "hierba". Los cigarillos de marihuana se conocen como "carruchos", "churros" o "yoints". En inglés, es conocida como "primo", "weed", "herb", "smoke", "dope" y "grass" y los cigarrillos se conocen como "joints" o " blunts".



l.cannabaceae or Hemp. recorded since the 5th century in a Chinese Herbal. Called Indian Dreamer in the 16th c., by John gerard, sativa is synonymous with C. Indica L.

Many youth have been jailed for even being a "found-in" (in a place where people are smoking marijuana) and laws governing drug use were most strict until the eghties. Canabis or Hashish, (a brown, hard compound comprised of cannabis pollen, which is similarly smoked) have been taditionally smuggled into NA from places like Morocco and India. Marijuana is now grown legally by licensed growers for medical purpose.


change in blood pressure, can cause lack of attention while driving. Impotence (?), hallucinations, recommended Medicinal use only!!


a resin, cannabininone, which comprises vatrious compounds; pharmacological action likely due to isomers of tetrahydrocannabinol.Fibre.


(fibre, seed, oil, female and male dried flowering tops) cerebral sedative, narcotic, analgesic, antispasmodic, glaucoma, spasmodic cough, neuralgia,asthma, migraine,malignant gliomas, prostate tumors, may protect brain cells from glutamate. AIDS Wasting Syndrome , Arthritis ,Brain Injury/Stroke , Multiple Sclerosis , Nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy , Pain , Phantom Limb Pain , Spinal cord injury , Anti-Tumor Effects , Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis , Depression and Mental Illness , Eating Disorders , Epilepsy , Fibromyalgia , High Blood Pressure/Hypertension , Migraine , Nail Patella Syndrome , Schizophrenia , Tourette's Syndrome , recreational smoke

Hemp, or stem fibre: rope, candlewicks, string, sailcloth, linens, seed for birdfeed, drying oil, "hemp seed oil"

Drug right-wingers, take note: You are also the people who are against socialized medicine in the US, yet possibly millions of people are treating their health needs with this obviously efficient medicinal herb.They are probably saving money even if they buy a joint for twenty dollars, since the cost of pharmaceuticals is so prohibitively unrealistic these days. Since you now have a Compassion clause allowing for some legal marijuana use, good for you, you're JUST like us -we're Canadians.

 Uses, History and Constituents from:

The Encyclopaedia of Herbs and Herbalism , Malcolm Stuart, Orbis.

Names: US and Spanish street slang fromUS Drug Enforcement, WWW


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