The pomegranate has no close relations.
Malus punicum
meant the Apple of Carthage.
Poa granata means apple with many seeds.
The root
bark was recommended as a vermifuge by Celsus, Discorides and Pliny.
Three wild
red flower: merah (white) poetih,(black) hitam.
were embroidered in blue yarn on the ephod of the temple described in Old
(rind)Yellow bitter colouring
matter ,gallotannic acid to 30%, sugar and
gum;root bark: punicotannic acid;Alkaloids (to
(to 20%);leaf: Ursolic and betulic acids; various triterpines;fruit: Invert
sugar; glucose;citric acid; boric acid;Vitamin C.
(rind, fresh
or dried root bark,fresh leaf, fresh fruit
);astringent;antihelmintic;antibacterial; dysentery ;diarrhoea ;colitis;stomach
ache; douche in leucorrhea;removal of tapeworms; emmenagogue; external use on
sores; fruit, fruit drinks;wine; bark used in tanning and dying;seeds are
fruit: refrigerant; for fever.
copyright Sue Risk, Northdays Image 2004 - 2015