from Latin, "little case of the shepherd" Shepherds' Bag,Shepherds Scrip,Shepherds' Sprout, Ladys' Purse,Witches Pouches, Rattle Pouches, Case-weed, Pick-Pocket, Pick-Purse, Blindweed, peepper and Salt, poor Mans' Parmacettie, Sanguinary, Mothers' Heart'Clappedpouch,Bourse de Pasteur,Hirtentasche,Shovelweed
Known as purse or pouch because of a similarity in shape to old fashioned leather purses, also "Clappedpouch" used as a name for lepers begging, using a cup at the end of a long pole. European native, transplant to New World after Pilgrims arrived.Introduced from Greenland where it arrived brought by Norsemen 1,000 years ago One of the most important drug plants of the Cruciferae family.
Choline, acetylcholine,other amines acting as vasoconstrictors and haemostatics.An organic acid called Bursinic acid,a tannate and an alkaloid,Bursine,resembling sulphocyansinapine.
(Haemostyptic) haemmhorrage,especially bleeding kidneys, external styptic, ear pain,herb in poultice: St.Anthonys Fire (according to Culpepper) an astringent in diarrhoea,haematuria,hemhorroids,chronic diarrhoea and dysentery,vulnerary in nosebleed,externally in rheumatic infections,uterine haemmhorage,cramp,catarrhal conditions of the bladder and urethers,antiscorbutic,stimulant, diuretic.,much used in kidney complaints and dropsy,haematuria (renal or vesical organs) chronic mennorrhagia,useful where uric acid or insoluble phosphates or carbonates irritate the urinary tract.
An ounce of plant to 12 oz water, reduced through boiling to 1/2 pint,strained and taken when cool with Spirits of Juniper ,Pellitory of the Wall, or some nitrates of potash- since it is unpleasant to taste.
copyright Sue Risk Northdays Image 2003-2015